What Should You Wear When Roofing? A Brief Guide on Roofing Shoes

If you just started a roofing job, we are pretty sure you are wondering what other people wear while on the rooftop. The truth is, there is a cornucopia of shoes worth looking into. In this article we will talk about the right features to look for and what to avoid. 

The Best Features in Roofing Shoes

  • Traction & Grip

Rooftops are not only slippery but sloppy as well. A fall from that far high could potentially result in broken body parts. The first thing you need to look for in roofing shoes is traction. You want an aggressive lug pattern that grips the surface to the maximum. Most often, rubber soles stick to shingles better than any other sole material.

  • Sole design

An awesome grip is great. But you know what else rocks? Having a flat sole. This design fosters a better contact with the ground bringing about improved stability-something you need a lot while on rooftops.

  • Flexibility

Most roofers have an affinity for boots. They are durably built to handle burns, cuts, and piercings. Unfortunately, a good number of them don’t flex well enough resulting in too many forced foot transitions. At the end of a long day, your feet start to hurt.

Secondly, shoes that don’t flex well could jeopardize contact with the ground. So assuming your grip slackens, you could easily land on the rooftop or worse, slide all the way down.

  • Protection

As we mentioned before, when working on rooftops, you are exposed to too much heat, possible piercing, and harmful chemicals. So whether you decide to go with boots or everyday shoes, just make sure they are well-equipped to handle the hurdles that come with roofing jobs.

  • Comfort

Roofing work can last a long while. All while up there, you’ll be on your knees, standing, and switching to other positions that let you achieve the best precision. Now, imagine doing all those turns in shoes that feel like plastic. It must be discomforting, right?

So before you go splashing money on the latest work boot, double-check their comfort standards.

Shoes to Avoid When Roofing

We talked about the appropriate roofing shoes. Now let’s talk about options you should never try. Avoid Slip-ons, flip-flops, and any kind of sandals. The reason is simple; they lack the best protection standards. Additionally, they have tender soles that will possibly get damaged on a hot day.

What about hiking boots?

Well, they have outstanding traction, a rugged protective exterior, and excellent support features. In other words, they are actually the definition of the best roofing shoes.

Excellent roofing shoe brands

Some of the brands that offer the best-in-class roofing features include Timberland, Dr. Martens, Thorogood, Carhatt, and Merrell. Skechers too make excellent hiking shoes. There are some flats out there with leather tops that can do just fine. A good example is Vans Unisex Old Skool Shoe.

Wrap up

Having the best rooftop shoes is the first step to ensuring proper safety. Any durable shoes with sufficient protection elements can do. Some people even recommend skating shoes-it’s obvious why-great traction, of course.

Good shoes are not enough to keep you safe. You must also observe other protective measures like clearing the rooftop of mud and debris, using harnesses and being fully aware of the edges. Lastly, pick the right day to work-possibly a calm and sunny day. Do not work on rainy and snowy days when the roof is likely to be slippery.

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